Should You Upskill Yourself While Working Full-Time?

Posted on: 14th May, 2021

The importance of upskilling is not lost on both employers and employees. Upskilling has become a critically pertinent issue and the main reason for it is digital transformation. With jobs either evolving gradually or being created anew, employees need to consistently ask themselves if their skills sets are relevant. Professionals can upskill through a variety of ways, in which short courses in PSB Academy is one.

What Are The Advantages Of Doing So?

Upskilling refers to the process of improving and adding additional skills to your capabilities. There are numerous benefits to upskilling, from increasing employability and improving organisational contribution to investing in the future of your own career.

Enrolling in online webinars, practising on your own, and asking for stretch opportunities at work are all great ways to upskill your existing skills set as well.

Staying Relevant

According to the UOB Asean Consumer Sentiment Study in 2020 that surveyed 3,510 professionals across Southeast Asia – out of which 1,030 are from Singapore – nine out of ten believe upskilling or reskilling is necessary to remain competitively employed. With the progress of digitalisation, employees are highly encouraged to develop skills useful for a future of work characterised by technology and data. Skills employers look for are a combination of technical and soft skills.

Whether you’re reskilling for a new role or upskilling to fit relevancy, the lesson remains: employability is highly dependent on what you do to stay competitive in a fast-evolving market.

Depending on your field of work, PSB Academy’s short courses can help employees learn professional skills as they nurture a spirit of lifelong learning. Courses range from digital marketing and media and communications to logistics and supply chain management.

Progressing With the Company

Upgrading your skills while working full time may come across as a challenge for many professionals. Between having familial responsibilities, overload of work, and other commitments to juggle, professionals can be strapped for time and energy for upskilling while working full time jobs. However, upskilling should be considered a constant when companies are undergoing continuous change due to digital transformation.

Continuous change compels companies to value employees who are agile and flexible. Upskilling as a professional gives you the advantage of contributing positively to your company’s growth and performance, allowing you to progress with the company.

Preparing For the Future

Not only does upskilling allow you to evolve with the company, but it is also a form of investment into the future of your own career. Looking at a report by PwC Singapore, 81% are willing to upskill, with 61% doing so independently. Investing in your repertoire of tech skills will offer more opportunities than risks in the workplace.

Upskilling will expand and deepen your repertoire of skills, giving you the avenue to explore and be ready for future roles that may come your way.

Learning Made Possible with PSB Academy

Upskilling while working full time doesn’t have to be a challenge. PSB Academy offers short courses in a variety of functions, focused on teaching professional skills. Keeping in mind that everyday professionals have full-time job responsibilities to attend to, these short courses allow for lifelong learning without compromising on other commitments one may have.

Find out more about the courses here.