Student Stories

Vikhram Radhakrishnan

Class of 2007

Prior to joining his MBA from the University of Newcastle, at PSB Academy, Vikhram had recently resigned from DELL, rejected a job offer from Google, and decided that further education would help him make his way into management. Looking at the course prospectus, he was thrilled by the idea of an innovative, Australian education, and the thought of studying in Singapore, which would allow him the chance to understand culture and management through an ASEAN perspective. After joining, he quickly learned that the MBA programme was quite demanding, especially when it came to working with a team of individuals from various countries, each with a different pace of work and different perspectives. But it was this experience that changed his approach to life or work- showing him the importance of looking at the bigger picture.

Taking advantage of the many opportunities available at PSB Academy, Vikhram signed for the student exchange programme to visit the University of Newcastle in Australia. When the time came to enter the corporate world once again, Vikhram sought guidance on how to enhance his resume, a week before the job interview, but was highly beneficial when it came to his career progression. After graduating in 2007, Vikhram travelled back to India, where he visited his grandmother to give her a picture taken at the graduation ceremony- one that she treasures till today. Today, Vikhram is a sales director at Phar Partnerships. He looks into multi-platform digital out-of-home media, tactical media and print media for clients trying to reach a specific audience.  Some of his previous projects include being the key person to create a partnership between AirAsia and Chevrolet Indonesia, he has made quite the impact in helping General Motors penetrate the market, helping them raise their sales up by 40%.

To date, Vikhram is found pushing himself to be better than he was yesterday and is always on the lookout for new challenges. In his own words: if you’re in for a life-changing experience, just remember to work hard and stay smart.