How to Future-Proof Your Career from Artificial Intelligence

Posted on: 29th August, 2023

The accelerating pace of technological advancements, particularly the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked concerns about job security and future employability. Many worry that AI and automation may render certain occupations obsolete, leaving workers unemployed or displaced. But it’s crucial to recognise that this evolving landscape can serve as an opportunity, rather than a threat, for those prepared to adapt and learn. With the right toolkit and mindset, you can safeguard your career and thrive in an AI-driven landscape.

AI has the potential to reshape the world of work, redefining job roles and creating new ones. The World Economic Forum’s The Future of Jobs Report 2023 found that 25% of companies surveyed anticipate that by 2027, AI will create job losses, while 50% anticipate job expansion. So, it’s less about artificial intelligence stealing jobs and more about shifts in job tasks and functions, with AI taking over routine tasks and humans focusing on more complex, creative roles. In this article, we explore how you can stay ahead in this new economy.

1. Embrace Technology

Adapting to the developing tech terrain starts with embracing technology. It’s essential to understand that AI isn’t a threat, but a tool – one that, when used strategically, can enhance productivity and drive innovation. PSB Academy, recognising this transformative potential of AI, has designed its curriculum to instil students with a tech-positive mindset.

For example, the Bachelor of Engineering Honours in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence programme offered by PSB Academy in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire ensures that students get a strong grounding in AI and robotics. The aim is not just to familiarise students with these technologies but to enable them to leverage these tools to solve real-world problems and drive innovation.

The course explores the fundamentals required to build a robot, ranging from simple electronic circuitry, software engineering, and control, to higher-level robot intelligence. It brings theoretical understanding to life by integrating practical elements that allow students to develop robotic systems.

2. Hone Creative Thinking and Problem-solving Skills

While AI excels in performing routine tasks, it’s humans who excel in creativity and problem-solving – skills that are crucial in any AI-impacted industry. At PSB Academy, we foster creative thinking through our media and communication courses, which challenges students to devise innovative communication strategies. They are encouraged to think outside the box, blend traditional and digital media, and devise impactful narratives. The curriculum, covering modules such as content creation, strategic communication planning, and multimedia storytelling, inspires students to innovate and experiment, leveraging their human creativity – a realm yet to be mastered by AI.

Similarly, our engineering programmes encourage problem-solving through practical projects that simulate real-world challenges. Problem-solving is about more than resolving specific issues; it’s about understanding systems, identifying obstacles, and developing innovative strategies to overcome them. These are quintessentially human skills that AI, no matter how sophisticated, cannot replicate.

3. Adopt a Growth Mindset

The rise of artificial intelligence underscores the importance of lifelong learning and a growth mindset – being open to new ideas and willing to grow through experience. As part of Singapore’s SkillsFuture movement, Job Transformation Maps (JTMs) identify key growth sectors, emerging job roles, and the skills needed to take on these roles. They act as a roadmap, guiding individuals and businesses through the complex terrain of job transformation.

Additionally, PSB Academy’s extensive range of short courses, spanning from analytics to logistics & supply chain management, serves as a launchpad for continuous professional development. By promoting a culture of relentless upskilling, we ensure that our students stay ahead in the new digital economy. So, as AI continues to redefine the world around us, our flexible and modular learning approach equips learners to seamlessly adapt, ensuring their skills remain relevant and in demand, thereby hedging against job redundancy.

4. Refine Soft Skills

Artificial intelligence can process data faster than any human, but it lacks the emotional intelligence that underpins effective leadership, communication, and proactivity. That’s why we stress the importance of soft skills at PSB Academy. From group projects that foster leadership skills to presentations that hone communication abilities, our pedagogy ensures that students graduate not just with technical knowledge, but also with well-rounded interpersonal skills.

PSB Academy’s approach to teaching reflects an understanding of the changing job market in the age of AI. Our courses are designed not only to impart knowledge but also to develop the soft skills that employers will continue to value, even as AI becomes increasingly integrated into the workplace. This balance of technical expertise and essential soft skills is critical to staying relevant in this new digital economy.

Embrace the Potential of AI with PSB Academy

The narrative of artificial intelligence as a job-stealer oversimplifies the complex and multi-faceted impact of this transformative technology. The future of work in an AI-driven world isn’t a bleak scenario of affected workers and redundant skills. Instead, it’s a dynamic environment rich with opportunities for those ready to adapt, evolve and seize the potential that AI brings.

PSB Academy’s diverse range of courses is designed to foster tech-savviness, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and a growth mindset – essential qualities in the age of AI. We believe that the key to enhancing employability lies not in outperforming AI but in harnessing its power, complementing it with uniquely human skills and continuously evolving alongside it.